We all have family member, a friend, a neighbor, or a co-worker who has been affected by breast cancer.
According to Dr. David Weintritt, founder of the National Breast Center based in Alexandria, this region has the highest incidence and mortality from breast cancer in the nation.
On Oct. 6, 2019 join the women who have fought or are fighting this disease for the National Breast Center Foundation’s 4th Annual Walk to Bust Cancer at Fort Hunt Park.
The walk is 1.2 miles long and there will be a DJ, opportunities for meditation, dance and exercise exhibitions, and children’s activities before and after the walk.
Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m. and the walk begins at 9 a.m.All ages are welcome and participants can register as an individual or a team.
The National Breast Center Foundation exists to improve the lives of women by removing barriers that prevent them from getting proper screening, diagnosis, and education about breast cancer.To register for the walk, donate, or become an event sponsor visit www.walktobustcancer.org or email walkinfo@nationalbreastcenter.org.
To find out more about the National Breast Center Foundation visit their website atwww.nationalbreastcenterfoundation.org