A group or 30 religious leaders will be walking through Alexandria this week as part of a days-long walk from Charlottesville to the District.
The faith pilgrimage called Walk the Walk 2020 left Charlottesville Thursday, Aug. 20 and are walking up U.S. Route 29 this week. Their walk will have them arriving in Annandale by Aug. 26 and walking across Alexandria and then north toward the later this week.
“We invite people of faith, clergy, and faith leaders to publicly demonstrate their commitment to “walk the walk” of Race Reckoning, Resolve & Love,” according to the website.
On this Friday, Aug. 28, the group is inviting the public to join them at 7 a.m. at Rivergate City Park (819 Rivergate Place in Alexandria) for an 8-mile walk along the Mt. Vernon Trail, ending at Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C. (For a shorter walk, you can meet the group at the Jefferson Memorial at about 9:30 a.m.)
After the walk, there will be a brief program at Lafayette Park and the group will join the National Action Network’s Commitment March.
You can register for this one-day event on Aug. 28 here.
Learn more about this pilgrimage at walkthewalk2020.us.