Dirty Paw Photography for AWLA
You may have heard of Captain Underpants but the AWLA is proud to introduce our very own Captain Under-bite: Sadie! A favorite of volunteers, staffers and even AWLA campers, Sadie is the paws-down winner of “Biggest Smile,” and she doesn’t mind if a few of her lower teeth adorably stick out when she does so.
Lovely Sadie’s name means “princess,” and she is currently seeking a castle to call her own. She enjoys supervising youth groups at the shelter and is particularly skilled in arts and crafts; check out this Valentine she inspired (below)! Sadie would like to be your only dog, but she promises she has more than enough kisses and tail wags to go around. If you’re looking for a pup who makes every day royally special, then stop by the AWLA to meet sweet Sadie!