Best friends Daisy and Nellie have a special story. This pair has lived together their whole lives - 20 months! - and are the best of friends. But they are so much more than that: They are also each other's support systems.
See, Daisy is blind, but with the help of her friend Nellie, she's able to get around just fine. And Nellie, who can be as nervous as his name might imply, findd comfort and courage from his friend Daisy. They are the perfect pair!
But just because they already have a built-in best friend doesn't mean they aren't looking for more! While Nellie and Daisy can be shy at first, they are looking for a home of their own - together - where they can get comfortable and make new human friends as well.
And best of all, Daisy's and Nellie's adoption fees have already been paid by a generous donor, so they are ready to meet those new best friends today. To learn more about how to meet them, visit And to see Nellie and Daisy in action, watch the video below: