by Brandi Yee, Chief Program Officer, ACT for Alexandria
Our community is better when we give together! Want to provide equitable opportunities for our children and youth to succeed? To enrich and support our lively art scene? To connect animals to a safe and loving forever home? To ensure the health of all Alexandrians so they can thrive in our city?
Spring2ACTion is our chance to do that together. It is one extraordinary day to celebrate the collective spirit of giving and to support the organizations that make Alexandria a vibrant place for everyone. On Wednesday, April 24, we are celebrating 14 years of Spring2ACTion. As we prepare for the big day, we wanted to capture some of the reasons that compel people to donate during this community-wide giving day.
“I Spring2ACTion because I love to support nonprofits and give back to my community.” – Mieraf Bisrat
“As a proud member of the Alexandria community, I find great joy in giving back to local nonprofits during Spring2ACTion, Alexandria’s Giving Day. This annual event serves as a reminder of the collective strength and compassion within our community, and a spirit of generosity that deeply resonates with me.” – Betsey Rosenbaum
“I love participating each year in Spring2ACTion because it fosters unity and renews collaboration among community members. Our collective giving demonstrates our shared commitment to building a stronger, most resilient Alexandria. Spring2ACTion reminds us that we are all connected and that our contributions, of any size, have a meaningful impact on the lives of others.” – Laurie Flynn
“Giving to local nonprofits during Spring2ACTion is not just an act of charity, but an expression of solidarity, gratitude, and hope. It is a testament to our commitment to creating a brighter future for all who call Alexandria home. As a proud member of this community, I am honored to participate with my neighbors, knowing that together, we can accomplish amazing things.” – Lisa Guernsey
Spring2ACTion is a catalyst for positive change beyond the day itself. By rallying support for local nonprofits, we amplify their voices and mobilize resources that enable them to expand their reach and impact. This ripple effect creates a legacy of giving that extends far beyond a single day, leaving a lasting imprint on our community for years to come. Be part of this movement and join us in giving back to the community we love on April 24 at www.Spring2ACTion.org!