Image courtesy of Odell
Renderings of the proposed townhomes
The Board of Architectural Review (BAR) recently reviewed plans for six townhomes that could be built at 101 Duke St. The homes would be located across Union Street from Indigo Hotel — currently the site of a two-level parking garage owned and operated by Solo Parking that has more than 50 spaces.
Developers with Eleventh Street Development, LLC propose building several 4-story brick townhomes that feature two-car garages that would be accessed by a rear alley.
Richmond-based architectural firm Odell presented images of the proposed design that heavily borrows from nearby architectural styles with varying brick colors, cornices and false English basements.
In their report on the project, City staff objected to the height of the buildings which with raised stoops and the current design of the top level appear to be almost 5 stories tall. They objected to the extreme height of the stoops which the report said creates an “awkward relationship between the streetscape and residences,” which is important considering the pedestrian heavy location of the site. Staff also wanted to see the top story changed to be less heavy and suggested that it be stepped back from each edge of the building and designed from mostly glass and metal. They also recommended some architectural design changes.
Three public speakers thought the proposed townhomes needed some adjustments, particularly when it comes to height. “This is an anchor corner to this historic residential block so it must be handled carefully,” said Gail Rothrock.
Members of the BAR agreed the height of the townhomes were too much, particularly in relation to other nearby townhomes and its prominent location along the water in Old Town. They also wanted to see more variety and creativity in architectural style that give a nod to historical character, but also reflected modern times. Other members suggested that the interesting history of the site as a boarding house, a shop and an industrial building, be incorporated in the design.
The project will likely come before the BAR again for a second concept review after changes are made in the design. Concept reviews are available for projects in the Old and Historic District in Alexandria. They allow developers to get feedback early in the Development Special Use Permit application process.
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Image courtesy of Odell
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Image courtesy of Odell
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Image courtesy of Odell
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