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Photo by Alexandria Living Magazine
For dozens of business owners and residents in Alexandria, there isn't much to do now but wait for the water to recede and hope the next high tide isn't as bad.
Friday afternoon, the Potomac River reached 5.98 feet above sea level shortly after high tide, bringing flooding to several blocks of Old Town. The next high tide will occur overnight between 2 - 4 a.m. Saturday. The coastal flood warning remains in place through 8 a.m. Sunday.
Many local workers were seen leaving work Friday afternoon with garbage bags covering their legs in an effort to stay dry. Cars that were not moved to higher ground quickly enough were submerged in water. Some residents brought out their canoe to traverse The Strand. And sandbags did little to keep the water out of stores and homes.
The George Washington Parkway was closed near Dyke Marsh and Tulane Drive south of Old Town due to flooding.
Unlike flooding caused by sudden, heavy rain, this flood was tidal, caused much more by significant storms to the north and east in recent days. With tidal flooding, there is little that increased stormwater infrastructure could do to move the water out of the area, as the Potomac River was already over its banks.
City of Alexandria officials will have information about clean-up efforts, financial assistance and insurance guidance in the coming days.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Oct. 29, 2021