The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority awarded funding to multiple projects in the Alexandria area, all designed to help people move around the region more efficiently.
The NVTA unanimously voted to adopt the fiscal year 2022 – 2027 Six-Year Program, investing nearly $625 million in projects across Northern Virginia.
“The NVTA takes a multimodal approach to providing transportation solutions and options that keep Northern Virginia and beyond moving, recognizing there is no one-size-fits-all solution to tackling traffic congestion in the Washington, D.C. region,” said Phyllis J. Randall, NVTA Chair. “The 20 projects the NVTA has just adopted are no exception.”
In the City of Alexandria, $10 million is being invested in two projects: the Holmes Run Trail project replacing a washed-out crossing near Dora Kelly Nature Preserve, and the West End Transitway Phase 1B. The overall West End Transitway project includes new bus stations, transit signal priority, bus queue jump lanes, pedestrian and bicycle improvements and new buses to operate in shared lanes by 2028. Overall, the goal of the West End Transitway is to “provide robust high-capacity transit operations between the Van Dorn Metrorail station, Landmark Mall, Shirlington Transit Center, Beauregard residential area and the Pentagon using a combination of dedicated and shared lanes,” according to city officials.
In Southeast Fairfax County, the Richmond Highway modernization project, including widening and Bus Rapid Transit project received significant funding, as well.
The funding process took more than a year. After issuing a Call for Regional Transportation Projects in July 2021, the NVTA rated and analyzed 26 candidate projects; hosted a public comment period including a Public Hearing and Open House; and reviewed more than 1,600 individual project comments from residents across the region.