Alexandria City Public Schools officials are floating the idea of postponing tearing down the old Patrick Henry Elementary School in order to use it as ‘swing space’ for about 700 students from MacArthur Elementary.
“Over the past few weeks, ACPS Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr., and City Manager, Mark Jinks, have been exploring the feasibility of using the old Patrick Henry Elementary School as swing space to accelerate the modernization of Douglas MacArthur Elementary School, which will save the city up to $60 million,” according to a letter sent to parents.
The move would add about 700 MacArthur students to the Patrick Henry School campus, where almost 800 students are attending school in a new building that opened in January.
Original construction plans called for decommissioning and tearing down the old Patrick Henry Elementary School this summer, and turning the space into fields, playgrounds and parking for the new school and recreation center.
“At this stage, we are still exploring options and would like to emphasize no decision will be made until the study to assess feasibility is completed this later this month,” the letter stated.
MacArthur Elementary School is located on Janney's lane, just west of Quaker Lane. Patrick Henry School is in the Seminary Valley area at the intersection of Taney Avenue and Latham Street. It is an 8-minute drive between the two in non-rush hour traffic.
Community Input Opportunities
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In addition, there is a meeting for Patrick Henry families on Tuesday, March 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the cafetorium at Patrick Henry School.
There is a meeting for Douglas MacArthur families on Wednesday, March 20 at 5:30 p.m. in the library at Douglas MacArthur Elementary School.
There is also a Citywide Community Meeting the same day, Wednesday, March 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the cafetorium at James K. Polk Elementary School. Those who cannot attend the Wednesday community meeting will be able to follow it live on Facebook and on the ACPS website.
“If this option is determined feasible, it will result in a significant delay of the completion of the fields and parking lot in front of the Patrick Henry School and Recreation Center,” according to the letter.
Douglas MacArthur was slated for rebuilding is 2023, but moving students to the old Patrick Henry Elementary School would allow that process to start in 2021. It would also save money on swing space, as students would be able to use space already available and designed for students instead of converting other spaces to classrooms.
Read more about the plans at