Just days before new teacher contracts were released, Alexandria City Public Schools art, music and other 'encore' subject teachers found out that they may be working at two schools instead of one.
While the new situation preserves full-time positions, it means that some teachers will spend one day at one school, and the next day at a different school.
"We know that for many, these changes are not ideal, and may disrupt cultures, relationships, and routines that have been long-established at your current school," according to a letter to encore teachers from ACPS officials. "Unfortunately, project student enrollment has created a new reality and staffing budget constraints have put us in this position."
A Board Brief notes that not all teachers had "full teaching assignments in their area of certification, music instruction was not being offered during the school day for all schools, and all schools were not in compliance with required PE instructional minutes according to School Board Policy JHCF. As a result of the analysis it was revealed that some staff have scheduling availability who can be utilized to meet the programmatic needs by school in the 2023-24 school year. To that end, we want to ensure that all ACPS students are receiving an equitable education and that all ACPS staff are being appropriately assigned."
In the Facebook group Parents and Community of ACPS, some parents noted that the timing of the announcement was difficult and would make it difficult for teacher to seek employment elsewhere if desired.
"This is the worst thing we can do for staff retention. We’re already facing a teacher shortage, and this is a surefire way to enhance that exodus,” said Laura Torchia, an instrumental music teacher, said during the recent ACPS Board meeting.