Dedicated lanes for buses are likely part of the plan for the Duke Street Transitway, but only in certain areas.
While plans could still change as city staff continues to study the issue and engage residents, one concept calls for dedicated bus lanes from Landmark Mall to Jordan Street and from Roth Street to the King Street Metro on the east. Buses would flow with traffic or in a central lane from Jordan Street to Roth Street.
City staff from the Transportation & Environmental Services division gave a presentation to city council and answered questions earlier this week. (See the presentation slides here.)
Duke Street has long been one of Alexandria's most heavily-used east-west corridors with a combination of residential and retail. In addition to mitigating traffic congestion, the city is looking at ways to make the roadway safer for all users, including bikers, walkers, bus riders and drivers.
City staff collected feedback from residents in the fall. "Of note, the feedback form did not yield strong consensus in either direction on any of the topics, however when we went to where people were — at apartment buildings, the laundromat, the library — we heard much stronger willingness to sacrifice a few minutes to travel time by car to make the bus faster and more reliable," said Hillary Orr of the city's T&ES division.

City of Alexandria
One of the potential plans for the Duke Street Transitway between Landmark and the King Street Metro.
Further design and analysis will be conducted on providing dedicated bus lanes on the west end of the transitway and the east end, either as curb lanes or as central lanes. In the middle of the transitway area, they will look at buses mixed with traffic or a bi-directional option. This would lessen the effect of Duke Street changes on the mainly-residential area between Jordan and Roth streets.
The project team is looking to get final recommendations in front of city council this summer. Targeted outreach to underrepresented groups is continuing this winter and into the spring, city staff said.
A full design would not be complete until sometime in 2024 or 2025, and work would commence after that.
For more information, including this week's presentation slides, visit