Residents who receive City collection may place natural Christmas trees at the regular yard waste collection point, on the collection day between Tuesday, Jan. 3 through Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023. The trees will be composted.
To prepare trees for collection, residents are reminded to:
- Remove all ornaments, tinsel, lights and stands.
- Do not place in plastic bags.
- Place the tree at your regular yard waste collection point by 6:00 a.m. on your trash collection day.
To prepare natural wreaths and roping for collection, residents are reminded to:
- Separate the greens from the wire. Wire damages shredding equipment and contaminates the mulch. If wires cannot be separated from the natural wreaths and garlands, please place them with your regular trash.
If the artificial Christmas trees are in usable condition, please consider offering or donating prior to disposal. If you receive City collection, please set out your artificial tree next to your trash container on your collection day.
Households Served by Private Haulers
If you or your building uses a private trash services, please check with your trash hauler for instructions on disposal of natural and artificial Christmas trees.
In Fairfax County, all licensed trash collectors in Fairfax County are required to collect and recycle live Christmas trees less than 8 feet tall that have been separately set out at single-family homes and townhouse communities during the first two weeks of January. Please contact your trash collection company for questions regarding this service. Residents can also recycle their live Christmas trees at the I-66 Transfer Station or the I-95 Landfill Complex.
Whether setting your tree at the curb or delivering it to one of the county’s recycling facilities, please be sure to remove tree stands, lights, ornaments and other decorations.