Say goodbye to Robinson Terminal North.
Alexandria Renew Enterprises (AlexRenew) is starting demolition on the building this week. The steel structure will be dismantled and hauled away, piece by piece, over the next few weeks.
AlexRenew is demolishing the building as part of its much larger plans to improve Alexandria’s sewer and stormwater infrastructure.
“AlexRenew plans to demolish the steel structure to grade this fall to pave the way for the Tunnel System Project to start in Spring 2021. While construction of the diversion facility is necessary to address the discharge of combined sewage at Outfall 001, the demolition work is not associated with the Tunnel System Project,” AlexRenew explained.
Instead, demolishing the project will make room for AlexRenew to construct a diversion facility, which will "direct millions of gallons of combined sewage into the new tunnel system for conveyance to AlexRenew's water resource recovery facility," AlexRenew explains. Construction on that should start in 2021.
For more information on the Robinson Terminal North deconstruction project, watch this video from AlexRenew:
Robinson Terminal North was primarily used as a warehouse for the Washington Post for several decades, ending in 2013.
At various points during the deconstruction process, parking and through traffic may be restricted.