The top four priorities for the future of transportation according to Alexandria residents are congestion management, safe and comfortable places to bike and walk, reliable and efficient transit and maintaining infrastructure.
The Alexandria Mobility Plan team revealed those results from their community outreach meetings at seven locations in Alexandria and an online survey last fall.
Residents were asked to prioritize in a pyramid structure (see the activity card below) from the following choices:
- Attractive and Active Streets (utilizing streets as public spaces...)
- Curbside management (balancing parking, delivery trucks, ride share, buses and more)
- Reliable and efficient transit service
- Incentives and information (to encourage taking fewer solo car trips)
- Mobility on demand (supporting shared mobility such as Capital Bikeshare, scooters, etc.) with policies and infrastructure)
- Parking
- Safe and comfortable places to walk and bike
- Maintaining our infrastructure
- Traffic management

City of Alexandria
Close to 700 people responded either in person or online.
Of those who did the survey in person at AMP events around the city, "safe and reliable places to bike and walk" was most important. Online, it was ranked fourth and "congestion management" was most important.
By all submissions, congestion management and maintaining our infrastructure were the most often included on the pyramid.
There were patterns in terms of related items, according to the survey report. There were "equal competing values between multimodal transportation and traffic/maintenance." People who chose "safe and comfortable places to walk and bike" were very likely to also choose "reliable and efficient transit" in the top layers of their pyramid. People who chose "congestion management" as most important usually had "maintaining our infrastructure" in their "more important" row.
Additional results are available at under What’s New.
The next steps for AMP are focus groups in February to discuss potential strategies to address the priorities. More information on the focus groups will be available soon. The AMP team also plans to reach out to key stakeholder groups.
Residents may also share their thoughts through the AMP website at