Local school system officials are responding to concerns from students, parents and staff about proposed policies by Gov. Glenn Youngkin for transgender students.
On Friday, Gov. Youngkin announced proposed policies through the Virginia Dept. of Education that would require students to use bathrooms and locker rooms and participate in programs according to the sex they were assigned at birth. In addition, the proposed policies would require parents to consent to children changing their name and gender at school.
A 30-day public comment period starts Sept. 26, after which the proposed policies could take effect.
Fairfax County Superintendent Michelle Reid wrote in a letter to parents Sunday evening that FCPS will continue “to providing a caring climate and culture where each and every student, staff member, and family is welcomed, respected, valued, and supported, as they experience a deep sense of belonging.” FCPS is one of few districts nationwide that has included "gender identity" in its anti-discrimination policy.
Alexandria City Public Schools released a letter to families and staff Monday assuring recipients that ACPS would continue gender-affirming policies.
The following is the full letter to families and staff from ACPS:
Dear ACPS Students, Staff and Families,
Over the weekend, we heard concern from many of you over the new “model policies” affecting transgender students introduced on Friday evening by Governor Youngkin. We want to assure you that Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) will continue its commitment to both implement and develop gender affirming policies for all ACPS students. As a School Board and division, we are concerned with these “model policies” that do not align with our mission, vision and core values to support all students and staff, in particular our core value of ensuring that we provide a welcoming environment for everyone in our school community.
The Alexandria School Board initially adopted a policy of nondiscrimination in education in December 1996. Since 2013, the nondiscrimination policy has recognized gender identity and gender expression as protected classes for equal educational opportunities. School Board Policy JB: Nondiscrimination in Education protects students from discrimination due to gender expression, gender identity, sexual harassment and transgender status.
Our school division is committed to the fulfillment of its ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan: Equity for All adopted by the School Board in June 2020. These “model policies” seek to undermine this vital work and set the clock back on the gains we have accomplished as a school division to place racial equity at the heart of our work. We look forward to participating in the public comment period and hearing the voices of others throughout the Commonwealth on this critical issue of importance. We will continue to review and develop all policies with an equity lens.
We care about the mental health and well-being of everyone in our community. There are student support team professionals in each school to support our students and the Employee Assistance Program for staff.
There are supports in place for our students with the ACPS Department of Student Services and Equity. Students can always reach out to a counselor, administrator or any trusted adult in ACPS if they are in need of help. We urge anyone who needs help to please reach out. Additionally, our city has the Alexandria LGBTQ+ Task Force and more information can be found at https://www.alexandriava.gov/LGBTQ.
Our students can also reach CrisisText and Crisis Link at any time of the day or night, seven days a week, through the contacts below:
- Text: CONNECT to 85511
- Call CrisisLink: 703-527-4077
Please know that ACPS is here to support you, especially in these times of uncertainty. For families or community members who have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to your child’s school or contact us at ask@acps.k12.va.us. Our team will continue to keep the community updated as this issue develops.
In community,
Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Meagan L. Alderton
Alexandria City School Board Chair