As college is beginning for many Virginia kids, you may be wondering whether or not you should let them bring their car to school. Should you drive them to school in your car, or let them take their own car? What if they aren’t attending a school in Virginia? Is the drive too long for them to do themselves, or will they need a way to get home without being picked up?
No matter the circumstances, deciding on whether or not they need a car is a decision every parent needs to make individually. Not every student and family lives the same life, so you must consider the pros and cons of allowing your child to have a car in college. If you do end up allowing your child to bring their car, make sure you’ve looked into the best car insurance rates for college students.
In this article, we’ll discuss some of the benefits and drawbacks for students having a car in college. Hopefully, this will help you decide on whether or no they bring their car to campus.
Pro: You child can come home at will
With a car, your child will be able to travel home at will. When break, holidays, or a long weekend comes around, your child will have the choice to go home. This will be especially helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic as well, as having a car allows your child to quickly pack up and come if on-campus activities are suspended.
Pro: Getting around town is convenient
Many college students rely on busses and other modes of transportation to get around town. When that’s the case, completing simple tasks such as going to the grocery store, post office, or even an off-campus job can become troublesome. With a car, your child will have the convenience of going wherever they want, whenever they want. A car can be especially helpful if your child does choose to get a part-time job off-campus.
Pro: It helps your child become more independent
As your child goes off to college, they’re already becoming more independent than they ever have been. If you want to help facilitate your child’s independence during and after college, allowing them to take a car is a great way to do so. Not only does a car allow them to go places, but it can also help teach them the responsibility needed to maintain a car.
Con: Cost of upkeep
The cost of having a car in college -- and in Virginia alone -- can be expensive. If you or your child can’t afford to pay for regular maintenance, gas, parking fees, insurance, and possibly a car payment, then allowing your child to take a car may not be worth the cost.
Con: Parking situation
Parking on most college campuses is known to be a horrible experience. Most newer students, such as freshmen, have little to no parking options available. Available parking may be costly as well. Many students who do have a car resort to street parking or risking parking tickets across campus. In this case, the inconvenience of finding a safe parking spot outweighs the convenience of having a car to begin with.
Con: Responsibility of handling a car
Just as a car can help teach your child responsibility, some students won’t be able to handle that responsibility. As you probably already know, owning a car requires money, driving skills, maintenance, and more. It also requires you to be sober when driving. If you don’t trust your child to be able to handle the responsibility of having a car in college, it may be best to keep it at home. But, don’t let this scare you into believing that your child isn’t responsible enough to handle a car.
Once you weigh the pros and cons of having a car in college, you should be able to decide on whether or not to let your child bring their car with them. You know your child and situation best, so making this decision should be made with you and your child’s best interests in mind.