Alexandria City Council has released a schedule for community input on the controversial Zoning for Housing/Housing for All Initiative.
These feedback opportunities are meant to continue public outreach efforts as draft recommendations related to zoning, housing density and affordable housing are considered by the Planning Commission and City Council.
Zoning for Housing aims to reform zoning "with the goal of expanding housing production and affordability," while Housing for All is the initiatives equity component that aims to "explore the extent of past discriminatory housing policies and their continued impact."
The first of this season's feedback events is set for Tuesday, Aug. 29. The event will take place at the Holiday Inn Alexandria-Carlyle at 6 p.m. A virtual option is available here.
Monday, Aug. 28, a group of residents plans to gather at City Hall at 6 p.m. to announce a new citizens' coalition that is concerned that the Zoning for Housing "amounts to a blank check for developers." The new Coalition for a Livable Alexandria "seeks to encourage full and open dissemination of all sides of major issues affecting the welfare of all residents of the City of Alexandria," according to the group.
“We agree that more affordable housing is needed in Alexandria, but remedies should not promote the destruction of neighborhoods, disenfranchise residents, accelerate overdevelopment and fuel gentrification,” said Roy Byrd, chairman of the coalition, which is registered as a nonprofit organization.
The issue is already drawing strong opinions from residents both in favor of and against zoning changes. City staff are making comments public, including staff responses, in a continually-updated spreadsheet here. Comments range from calls to abolish zoning laws entirely to calls to retain zones for single-family homes.
A spring questionnaire showed some support for converting underused office buildings and industrial areas to expand housing opportunities in Alexandria. But many residents voiced concerns that Alexandria is already dense enough and its infrastructure is struggling to keep up with the growing population.
"Launched in 2019, the Zoning for Housing/Housing for All initiative has a joint goal of expanding housing accessibility, affordability and availability across the city while also addressing equity in housing for all groups in Alexandria," according to city officials.
Since 2019, the City Council adopted three reforms under the initiative, including text amendments related to accessory dwelling units, co-living and auxiliary dwellings units.
This year, the city started to move forward on community engagement on the remaining nine proposed zoning reforms. Those reforms include giving developers "bonus height" in exchange for affordable housing, changing single-family housing zoning, increasing housing density and making improvements in housing affordability.
“This is one of the most significant initiatives of this Council term,” said Alexandria Mayor Justin Wilson. “As we consider meaningful reforms to improve housing affordability in our City, we want to ensure the voice of our residents is heard and incorporated in the package adopted by the City Council.”
Upcoming Events
- August 29: Zoning for Housing/Housing for All Panel Discussion
- September 5: Joint Planning Commission/ City Council Work Session, City Hall (draft recommendations released).
- September 14: Community meeting, Location coming soon.
- September 23: City Council Public Hearing, City Hall (opportunity to comment)
- September 24: City Council Town Hall (opportunity to comment) Location coming soon.
- October 5: Community meeting, Location coming soon.
- October 12: Community meeting, Location coming soon.
- October 14: City Council Public Hearing, City Hall (opportunity to comment)
- October 21: City Council Town Hall (opportunity to comment) Location coming soon.
- November 1: Planning Commission Public Hearing on Zoning for Housing, City Hall (opportunity to comment)
- November 14: City Council Public Hearing on Zoning for Housing, City Hall
- November 18: City Council Public Hearing on Zoning for Housing continued, City Hall
- November 28: City Council Meeting, City Hall (scheduled vote on Zoning for Housing reforms)
For those individuals who are unable to attend or wish to submit their feedback electronically, a community comment form is available here.