RiverRenew Community Listening Sessions
Discover how AlexRenew is building for the future of Alexandria’s waterways.
With activity ramping up at all four construction sites, it's the perfect time to learn more about the RiverRenew Tunnel Project.
Get ready to join AlexRenew this summer for a series of Community Listening Sessions to provide feedback and learn about ongoing construction activity.
*July 11 - Pendleton Street Site: 501 N. Union Street - Meet at the Northeast Corner of Oronoco St and N. Union Street
*July 12 - Royal Street Site: 100 Jones Point Drive - Meet at the Royal Street Cul-de-sac
*July 13 - AlexRenew Site: 1800 Limerick Street - Meet at the AlexRenew Soccer Field at the Southern fence
*July 14 - Hooffs Run Site: 500 Holland Lane - Meet at the South East Corner of Jamieson Avenue and Holland Lane
All Community Listening Sessions are open to the public. If you are unable to attend but would like to provide a written comment, you may submit it to askriverrenew@alexrenew.com.