Puppy Bowl Watch Party: Operation Paws for Homes
Dogs from the Alexandria-based rescue organization Operation Paws for Homes will be featured in Animal Planet’s Puppy Bowl!
Wag & Brew 614 S. Pickett Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22304
Operation Paws for Homes is hosting two viewing parties on Feb. 4 — one at Black Flag Viewing Company in Columbia, Maryland, and the other at WAG & BREW here in Alexandria.
OPH puppies Alvin, Pancake, S'Mores, Truffles, Rigatoni, and Cotton are participating.
Admission to the event is free, but sales of the Pup Cup, a commemorative beer cup, sponsors the viewing party and including a complementary beer! Pup Cups are $10 each. Dogs are welcome at WAG & BREW, but should be on a leash at all times. The event is family-friendly.
You can make a donation, pre-purchase a Pup Cup and RSVP to the event here: https://join.ophrescue.org/alexandria/events/puppy-bowl-viewing-party-alexandria-va/e158421.
Learn more about Operation Paws for Homes at ophrescue.org.