OUTDOOR Brass Music: “Bold as Brass” – Chamber Music
The Rectory on Princess Street 711 Princess St., Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Classical Movements
“Bold as Brass” – Chamber Music: Kennedy Center Horn Trio, National Symphony Orchestra Trombone Quartet
“Bold as Brass” – Chamber Music
Kennedy Center Horn Trio:
Wei-ping Chou, horn | James Nickel, horn | Robert Rearden, horn
National Symphony Orchestra Trombone Quartet
Craig Mulcahy, trombone | Kevin Carlson, trombone | David Murray, trombone | Matthew Guilford, bass trombone
If you’ve never heard a trombone quartet or a french horn trio, this is your moment. Hear the noble french horn and the characterful trombone showcase the arresting versatility of their instruments.
Part of Sounds of Hope & Harmony series of outdoor, socially-distanced concerts. More details and tickets on website: https://www.classicalmovements.com/secretgardenconcerts/