Nepenthe Curator Patty Owens Leads Art Discussion at Art+Wine+Cheese
Nepenthe Gallery 7918 Fort Hunt Road Hollin Hall Shopping Center, Alexandria, Virginia 22308

Nepenthe Gallery
"Afternoon in the Adirondacks" by John Frederick Kensett (top); "Along the Coast" by Alfred Thompson Bricher (bottom). Both works are currently on view at Nepenthe Gallery.
Nepenthe Curator and former National Gallery of Art Docent, Patty Owens, will lead an informative and delightful discussion about one of the works from her private collection, "Afternoon in the Adirondacks" by John Frederick Kensett and "Along the Coast" by Alfred Thompson Bricher. Both works are currently on view at Nepenthe. These works from the Owens Foundation are on loan to the Muscarelle Museum of Art at William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA and Nepenthe Gallery has the wonderful privilege of displaying one or two on a rotating basis.