Mindful Return: Returning to Work after Maternity Leave
Birth Club 107 N. Fairfax St., Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Renowned program for returning to work after maternity leave coming to Old Town
If you’re nearing the end of your maternity leave or you’ve already returned to work (whether full time or part time, from home or with a commute), this workshop will set you up for success and gives you the tools to confidently navigate your new life as a working mother. You just went through the single biggest life-changing experience – you became a mother. And now, you’re tasked with figuring out how to balance your old patterns (your job) with caring for a new bundle of joy. Like most moms, you probably have some (or a lot of!) anxiety about how to juggle it all. You’re not alone, and the secret to preparing for your return to work lies in how you prepare for this huge transition.
This class will help you:
Get into the right state-of-mind to have a calm, peaceful experience when returning to work;
Brainstorm practical solutions to all those worrisome logistics; and
Turn your maternity leave into a leadership opportunity at work.
Mindful Return is a hugely successful program, used by corporations and professionals all over the country, and designed specifically for career-minded women who are balancing both their careers and their new role as a mother. Birth Club is thrilled to offer you this rare opportunity to sit down with the program’s founder, Lori Mihalich-Levin, JD, for this workshop. Lori is an attorney, author of Back to Work After Baby: How to Plan and Navigate a Mindful Return from Maternity Leave, and a working mom of two boys.