Living Nativity
St. Christopher's Episcopal Church 6320 Hanover Ave, Alexandria, Virginia 22150

St. Christopher's Episcopal Church
2021 Living Nativity
The Nativity comes to life this year as a local church community hosts an outdoor celebration. In anticipation of the December 25 celebration of Christmas, St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church (Springfield, VA) will observe the Nativity of Jesus on Saturday, Dec. 3, 11:30 am–1:30 pm. The outdoor celebration is open to the public at no cost and will include costumed actors, readings, carols, live music, refreshments and live animals, including a sheep, goat, cow and Delilah the camel. Visitors are welcome to interact with and take pictures with the animals. Everyone is welcome!
A toy drive to benefit Springfield children will also take place and visitors are welcome to contribute an unwrapped toy or funds. (Participation in the toy drive is optional and not required to visit the Living Nativity.)