Journeys in Genealogy
Woodlawn & Pope-Leighey House 9000 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, Virginia 22309

Woodlawn & Pope-Leighey House
Journeys in Genealogy - 1
Journeys in Genealogy
Join the Family History Center team as they share their journeys in conducting public genealogy at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. This program will explore the tools for getting started in tracing your family tree, highlight similarities and differences in African American genealogy and test your knowledge with trivia. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and volunteer for a mini-live session.
Woodlawn is hosting this program to compliment its new exhibit Woodlawn: People & Perspectives. This exhibit explores the contributions of African American families to our sites history including members of the Quander, Holland, Carter, and Parker families. This program is free but due to limited space we are requesting advance registration.