Good Shepherd Housing's Beach Bingo

Beach Bingo Night on March 18, 2023! Tickets to the event include a pasta dinner, refreshments (beer and wine available for purchase separately) and plenty of prizes. We will also feature a small silent auction.
General admission - $20 (includes buffet dinner and 6 bingo cards)
Child registration (for children 5-10 years old) - $10 (includes buffet dinner and 6 bingo cards)
Infants and children under 4 years old - FREE (includes buffet dinner, but no bingo cards)
Good Shepherd Housing (GSH) is a finalist for CommonWealth One Federal Credit Union (COFCU)'s Big Giver Contest. Between March 13 and March 31, 2023, the public can visit COFCU's Big Giver site and vote for GSH. We have already won $1,000, but the finalist with the most votes will be awarded a $10,000 donation. Vote here!