French Film and Cocktails
Virtual Event Alexandria, Virginia

Holly Beardow
Chant de Loup
The Alexandria-Caen Sister City Committee invites you to join our online movie discussion to review "Le Chant du Loup" (The Wolf's Call), a 2019 French action thriller about a submarine’s sonar officer who must use his brilliant sense of hearing to track down a French ballistic missile submarine and prevent a nuclear war. After the demo of our fun evening cocktail, we will lead a discussion about the story, its characters, the military context, with insights from our members and exchanges with our audience. The movie is available on Netflix and you must watch the movie before participating in the online discussion. Zoom details will be sent to you a few days prior to the event along with the cocktail recipe in case you'd like to try it at home! Sponsored by the Alexandria-Caen Sister City Committee.
Tickets can be purchased here: