Free Virtual Film Screening: The American LOWS
Join us on Zoom for a screening of The American L.O.W.S. (The American Legacy of White Supremacy), a documentary created by Darnley R. Hodge, Jr. Immediately following the film screening is a panel discussion with filmmaker Darnley R. Hodge Jr. and historians from the film. The panel will be moderated by Reverend Professor Quardricos Driskell. Mr. Driskell is pastor of historic Beulah Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia, an adjunct professor of Religion and Politics at the George Washington University Graduate School of Political Management, and a member of the Alexandria Community Remembrance Project Steering Committee. This film screening is sponsored by the Alexandria Community Remembrance Project, a city-wide initiative dedicated to helping Alexandria understand its history of racial terror hate crimes and to work toward creating a welcoming community bound by equity and inclusion.
The screening is free but registration is required.