Embellished Surfaces
Scope Gallery at the Torpedo Art Factory 105 N Union Street Studio 19, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

All images by artist.
Attached images, Left to right: Scott Kaye, stoneware bowl with fanciful handles; Tracie Griffith Tso, butterdish with handpainted bunnies; Ana Covalcanti, plant hanger with embossed design; Chris Coyle, white stoneware vase with impressed and pierced design; Klaudia Levin, stoneware bowl with square stencil pattern.
Clay, perhaps more than any other medium, offers a surface that is versatile, challenging, and remarkable in many ways. You’ll see a Scope artist embossing fanciful designs onto the surface of a slab before assembling the pieces into a more complex form. Another scratches into the leather-hard, unfired surface of the clay to incise lines and patterns. Other gallery members formulate unique glazes to create lusters, metallic sheens, or bursts of crystalline flakes. Some layer glazes to emblazon their forms with crazes, swirls, or marbling. Slip trailing pipes a clay slurry that adds relief to a flat surface. Underglaze painting decorates, but can also tell a story. Featuring the Ceramic Guild.
The “Embellished Sufaces” show at Scope Gallery runs February 3-28, 2021. Hours are Wednesday - Sunday 11:00 am till 5:30 pm. Please check torpedofactory.org or scopegallery.org for any changes to scheduled opening times. In response to Covid19 the Torpedo Factory will be requiring that face masks be worn while in the building. Scope Gallery will limit the amount of customers in the gallery to ten at a time and will have hand sanitizer available.