Electric Vehicle Showcase
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology 6560 Braddock Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22312

Environment Virginia
Electric Vehicle Showcase
You are cordially invited to Environment Virginia's second Electric Vehicle Showcase -- an event highlighting the benefits of electrifying cars, buses and trucks in Fairfax County and throughout Virginia.
Electric vehicles promise to dramatically reduce our carbon emissions, enhance air quality and save consumers money on fuel and maintenance ... plus, they are some of the coolest cars on the market! At the event, you'll have the chance to test drive EVs and talk to EV owners from across Northern Virginia about their experience. On top of that, we will also be showcasing electric fleet vehicles that municipalities around Virginia can and should be actively adopting, including an electric transit bus. And we'll be highlighting findings from a new Environment America report that details best practices from electric bus pilot projects we're tracking around the nation.
The event is scheduled for Saturday, October 19th and will run from 9:30 AM to noon at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. The address is 6560 Braddock Rd, Alexandria, VA 22312.
Prepared comments are scheduled to begin at 10 AM. We will hear from several people, including Fairfax County School Board member Pat Hynes and Dr. Neelu Tummala, a Fairfax County-based physician and George Washington University professor. Environment Virginia will also be releasing a report detailing lessons learned from six electric bus pilot projects we've monitored across the country.
If you have an EV that you would like to showcase, or if you would like to volunteer, please contact Ellie Reynolds at ereynolds@environmentamerica.org .
We hope to see you there!
Environment Virginia