a Benefit Concert to END child abuse.
Durant Memorial Center 1605 Cameron Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

The Center for Alexandria's Children, Inc.
2024 CAC Annual Gala
A Benefit Concert to End Child Abuse, featuring live music by Indigo Thursday,
Guilty Ghost, and Colby’s in the Car (featuring Steve Dawson & Andy Poliakoff from
Virginia Coalition), will benefit the Center for Alexandria’s Children, the City’s primary
resource for the prevention, investigation and treatment of child abuse, whose programs
serve more than 1,000 Alexandria children and families each year. The organization is a
model public-private partnership dedicated to ENDing Child abuse in our community. The
Center supports children victimized by violence and abuse on their path to healing, while
helping build strong families to keep it from happening in the first place.
We are expecting about 275 CAC Gala attendees in their finest
“GLAMROCK” attire – anything from your favorite concert tee and jeans to leather pants
and platform boots. Wine, beer and cider (thanks to the generosity of Lost Boy) will be on
tap, as well as some tasty bar bites. There will be opportunities to purchase exclusive Concert
Merch, and a Paddle Call to Band Together to End Child Abuse.
TICKETS: Tickets are $150 and are available online
https://cbo.io/tickets/purchase_tickets.php?slug=2024cacgala&form_name=tix thru
Thursday, February 1st at midnight. For more information (703) 746-6008 or