Author Talk with Carlos Lozada - What Were We Thinking

Old Town Books
Join us in conversation with Carlos Lozada of The Washington Post in discussing his new book with DC bookstagrammer, Allison Punch
About the Event
Join Old Town Booksfor a discussion with author and reporter Carlos Lozada in discussing his new book: What Were We Thinking: A Brief Intellectual History of the Trump Era in conversation with DC bookstagrammer, Allison Punch.
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About the Author
Carlos Lozada is the nonfiction book critic of The Washington Post and winner of the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for criticism. Previously he was the Post’s Outlook editor and has overseen news coverage of economics and national security. He received the 2015 National Book Critics Circle's citation for excellence in reviewing. Previously, he was managing editor of Foreign Policy magazine and a Knight-Bagehot fellow in economics and business journalism at Columbia University.
About Allison Punch
Allison Punch is a reader, writer and Michigander living in the DC area. She was awarded the Deacon Maccubin Young Writers Award in 2016. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Argot Magazine and Breadcrumbs Magazine. She helped produce Old Town Books's first Emerging Writers Festival and reviews books on Instagram at @allisonreadsdc.