Scope Gallery at the Torpedo Art Factory 105 N Union Street Studio 19, Alexandria, Virginia 22314

All images by artist.
Attached images, Left to right: Marsha Lederman of Arlington, VA, Lamb in Scarf - Salt Cellar with spoon; Rachel Witt of Alexandria, VA, Mola Bird Vase; Tracie Griffith Tso of Reston, VA, Year of the Rabbit jar; Pam Eisenmann of Springfield, VA, If I Could Fly; Shirley Gromen of Ridge, MD, Four Blowfish.
From the first examples of artistic expression—cave paintings, masks, headdresses, drinking vessels, sacred objects—representations of animals have been central. Our ancestors had a closer relationship with their fellow creatures, but even today, artists find an undeniable connection to the animal kingdom they co-inhabit. August’s exhibit showcases work of the wild world, the domesticated world, the fellow inhabitants that inspire awe, haunt our imaginations, and celebrate the myriad life forms on our small planet. With the Kiln Club.
The “Animalia” show at Scope Gallery runs June 26 - July 30, 2023. Hours are Monday - Friday 11:00 am - 6:00 pm., Saturday and Sunday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm. Please check or for any changes to scheduled opening times. The gallery is located at 105 North Union Street, ground floor, Studio 19 of the Torpedo Factory Art Center, Alexandria, VA. 22314.