Alexandria Local Authors Lecture and Book Signing Series: John R. Mass

Join the City of Alexandria on July 23, 2020 at 7 p.m. via Zoom for a virtual lecture with Dr. John Maass, author of The Battle of Guilford Courthouse, A Most Desperate Engagement. This will be the third of four history lectures by local Alexandria historians that was interrupted this spring. Tickets are $6. Once you purchase your ticket, an email with the Zoom meeting link, Meeting ID, and password will be sent in a confirmation email for the event. Ticket sales will end on July 23 at noon to ensure time to email links to those that buy tickets on the day of the lecture.
Historian John R. Maass recounts the bloody battle and the grueling campaign in the South that led up to it, a crucial event on the road to American independence. Dr. Maass received his undergraduate degree from Washington and Lee University, his M.A. from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro, and his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. He works for the new National Museum of the U.S. Army, at Fort Belvoir, opening in 2020, developing exhibits, and working with programs and education.
To help set the 18th-century, we invite you to join in a toast before the lecture with an 18th-century cocktail. For this lecture we will feature a popular Revolutionary War era cocktail called a Stone Fence. To join us with a Stone Fence on July 23, mix two ounces of dark rum mixed with five ounces of chilled hard apple cider. If you’re feeling fancy, garnish with a sprig of mint, a lemon peel, or some freshly grated nutmeg. Don’t like rum? Cider alone was extremely popular in the 18th century, and you can certainly enjoy it with or without alcohol.