School of Rock, a performance-focused music education school, is hosting the grand opening of its Alexandria school on Saturday, May 4.
School of Rock is at 3260 Duke St. in Alexandria.
Grand opening events are from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday and include a ceremonial guitar smashing (the School of Rock's version of a ribbon cutting), live music, school tours, lesson demos, raffles, refreshments and more.
School of Rock focuses on music education and performance through rock 'n roll music, teaching both theory and technique through music from Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and others. According to the company, "Thanks to the school’s performance-based approach, students around the world have gained superior musical proficiency, with some moving on to record deals and larger platforms such as American Idol,The Voice and Broadway."
School of Rock has area locations in Vienna and Silver Spring. There are more than 100 schools nationwide and several international locations.
The Alexandria location is led by Steve McKay, who has played drums locally and touring the country for more than three decades. He worked in IT project management in the private sector, and made a career change to focus more on giving back to his community.
“I know what performing rock music has given back to me,” McKay said. “To have the opportunity outside of traditional music lessons, to teach students music through performance is especially exciting for me.
For more information on School of Rock Alexandria and its Grand Opening event, please visit