The City of Alexandria is reopening the Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics Drop-off Center.
It will be open on Saturdays only, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., beginning May 16.
The City closed the center last month to minimize risk to employees and the public in light of COVID-19, but will reopen on a limited basis. City officials are asking residents to try to minimize their trips to the facility, including considering whether items can be stored at home until a later date.
City officials are also asking residents to only bring items to the site only when it is open.
"Do not leave materials outside the gate—unattended materials can lead to dangerous spills and potential chemical reactions. Dumping materials outside the gate is illegal and carries a maximum penalty of one year in jail or a $2,500 fine," City officials request. There are security cameras on site.
No walk-ups will be allowed; Alexandria City residents must arrive in a vehicle.
More information is available here.
The center is located at 3224 Colvin Street.