Alison Lane Photography for AWLA
Your eyes do not deceive you. Sweet Honey Pie may look like she's part lynx, but underneath her beautiful multicolored fur and startling green eyes, this lovely girl lives up to her name!
Honey Pie is a 3-year-old medium-haired cat who always wants to make sure she's looking her best. She loves being the center of attention, and she is always polite about asking for some love.
And she'll let you know when you've found that special spot on her chin, with a loud purr and maybe just a spot of dribble — from happiness, of course.
Because her hair is so luxurious, she wouldn't mind a hand in keeping it clean and shiny, and because of her lack of thumbs, she is happy to let someone else lead with the brush.
If Honey Pie sounds like the honey pie for you, schedule time to meet her at
Alison Lane Photography for AWLA