And the winner and reigning hide-and-seek champion — for 10 years running — is Angel!
10-year-old Angel has her priorities. First off, defending her hide-and-seek championship title. In her foster home, Angel can be found (or not) under beds, in closets and at the top of the highest bookshelves. Seek her if you dare!
Second: Food. You may not see Angel enjoying her meals (see hide-and-seek ninja above), but she loves a good bite to eat on the go.
Third and most important: Finding her new family! Angel is loving time in her foster home but can't wait to find all the best hiding (and seeking) spots in her new home with her brand new family. Could it be you?
Email adopt@alexandriaanimals.org or call 703.746.4774 x2 to learn more about Angel and how to schedule time to meet her in her foster home.