Photo by Steven Halperson / Tisara Photography
Living Legends 2018
2018 Living Legends - Eight Alexandrians were be recognized this year for their unique and impactful contributions to the Alexandria community: Gwen Lewis, Jason Ellis, Ann Dorman, Rick Dorman, Marion Moon, Charlie Euripides, and Florence King. Not pictured are Sherry Wilson Brown and Lori Morris.
Nominations are now open for 2019 Living Legends and close on Sept. 30. Here's all the scoop from Living Legends of Alexandria, a non-profit organization dedicated to honor and chronicle individuals who have made significant contributions to the quality of life in Alexandria.
There are numerous individuals who have made outstanding contributions to improve the quality of life in the City of Alexandria, but whose stories have not been heard, so this is an opportunity for the public to help them be recognized and honored.
They may have helped the disadvantaged, created or revitalized public space, brought arts to new audiences, mentored children, improved lives of the needy, or made any number of other significant contributions.
Once selected in the fall, the Legends’ lives are recorded in portraiture, journalistic-quality profiles and video interviews. They then are inducted as Living Legends at a formal reception the following spring. As a permanent record of their extraordinary lives, their portraitures are maintained by the Office of Historic Alexandria and their written profiles are recorded in the Library of Congress, the Library of Richmond, and displayed in City libraries.
Nomination forms can be found at To learn more about the nominations process, the public is invited to a “Legends Mixer” on Sept. 9 between 6 and 8 p.m. at the new ALX Community co-working space, registration for which can be found here:
FMK Financial Literacy Center founder and Executive Director Florence King was elected to the Living Legends Board of Directors at its Aug. 20 board meeting. Active in a wide variety of local civic and business organizations, including the Alexandria United Way and Alexandria Symphony Orchestra, King, a 2018 Living Legend, will increase the depth of expertise of the board and expand its reach across the city.