New ‘No Turn on Red’ restrictions will prevent Alexandria drivers from making rights on red at a number of intersections in the City in the coming months.
Staff with the Department of Transportation & Environmental Services (T&ES) will install signs restricting turns on red lights as part of Alexandria's Vision Zero initiative to improve safety.
The Vision Action Zero Plan's purpose is to improve safety for all modes of travel, focusing on increasing safety for vulnerable road users (e.g., people walking and biking, children, and seniors). One of these Year 1 Engineering Priorities was to install ‘No Turn on Red’ restrictions at 10 of the 28 intersections the City identified as problematic. Not allowing right turns on red lights should lead to improved safety for people walking and driving.
Turning-movement crashes were found to be among the most common crash types in Alexandria.
The following intersections are included in the turning restrictions:
King Street onto Henry Street
Gibbon onto Route 1
King Street onto Patrick Street
Mill Road onto Eisenhower Ave
N Jordan onto Duke Street
N Patrick onto King Street
N Pickett onto Duke Street
Prince Street onto S Henry Street
Prince Street onto S Patrick
Reading onto N Beauregard
S Jordan onto Duke Street
S Quaker onto Duke Street
S Walker onto Duke Street
Park Center Dr onto King Street
S 28th St onto King Street
Southern Towers onto Seminary
Cambridge onto Duke Street
Roth onto Duke Street
Metro Road onto Eisenhower Ave
Route 1 onto Slaters Lane
Cameron Station onto Duke Street
Gibbon onto S Washington
King Street onto N Washington Street
Queen Street onto N Henry Street
S Peyton onto King Street
Edsall onto Whiting
N Quaker onto Fern
Whiting onto Edsall Road
For more information on Vision Zero, go to