Updated Tuesday, Nov. 1
Applications for Alexandria's ARISE program — a pilot program guaranteeing basic income to hundreds of local families — opened on on Oct. 31, city officials have announced. ARISE stands for Alexandria's Recurring Income for Success and Equity.
An informational webinar is available to watch here. Applications will be open though Nov. 9.
The program will provide cash payments of $500 per month to 170 Alexandria households for two years. Funding for the program — $3 million — comes from federally-provided American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars.
For residents who are chosen for the program, "the payment is unconditional, with no requirements and no restrictions on how it is to be spent," according to the program's website. Residents must have household income at or below 50% of Area Median Income (AMI). This means a family of four should have an income no higher than $71,150.
“The pandemic has clearly demonstrated how many Alexandria families are on the financial edge, where an unexpected setback, like reduced hours at work or a car repair, can have a devastating impact. Guaranteed income is a proven tool to help families secure stronger financial footing and take steps to move up the economic ladder,” said Mayor Justin Wilson in July 2021 when the city council first approved the pilot program. “I am excited to become part of Mayors for Guaranteed Income (MGI) and join mayors around the country as an advocate for guaranteed income. Across the nation through guaranteed income pilots, jurisdictions are taking steps to support vulnerable households and promote the economic wellbeing of hardworking families and our communities as a whole.”
"Guaranteed income gives participants more freedom, dignity and self-determination to make choices for their financial well-being. Research shows that when given unrestricted payments, participants can create economic stability for their families. GIPs have also been found to improve health, education and child welfare outcomes," the program's website notes.
Researchers will follow the families to determine if those outcomes are true here in Alexandria.
To apply, residents should answer these screening questions first. Residents must live in the 22301, 22302, 22304, 22305, 22311, 22312 or 22314 ZIP codes. Income eligibility rules apply.
The Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot Project is one that other cities are trying with reportedly positive results. Richmond, Virginia is piloting a similar program with fewer families — just 18. Ellenville, New York is also piloting a program.
More information about the program is available at www.alexandriava.gov/ARISE.