When considering whether to invest in a private school education for their children, many parents assume that high school is the best time to make the switch to an independent school.
Actually, earlier is better for sending your child to an independent school, with the preschool-middle school years being crucial to academic and social-emotional development.
A pre-K education is the most critical building block of a child’s foundation. Preschool promotes kindergarten readiness, social-emotional development, language and math, among other skills that will serve a child for life. Children must learn to read before they can read to learn.
Being a successful reader requires trained instructors who recognize the many skills required for fluency. Research supports that a 3rd grade child behind in reading will rarely catch up with their peers. In preschool-8th grade, children have opportunities to try new subjects without the fear of needing to be “an expert.”
By high school, students have determined the areas where they can compete. At Browne Academy, all students, from preschool-8th grade, have art, music, Spanish, PE and innovation as part of their curriculum.
There are also multiple athletic and performing arts opportunities, all of which give students a safe place to try new things and develop new passions. In a preschool-8th grade school, the entire curriculum is built for these developmental ages; the teachers are trained in child development, and they are intensely focused on the child as an individual. High school teachers are often subject-area specialists, with limited training in child development.
In an intimate school like Browne, teachers get to know each student’s learning style, strengths, and challenges. This informs individual instruction and facilitates a smooth transition from grade to grade as a child grows and develops through the years.
Social-emotional development is as important as academics for young learners. Browne’s social-emotional program begins in preschool and runs through 8th grade, giving our students the proper support and sense of security they need.
Education is the most important investment parents will make in their children. Making that investment early will provide the biggest return.
Browne Academy is a diverse independent day school committed to developing the whole child through extraordinary teaching, exceptional academic programs, and a nurturing community. To learn more, contact Browne Academy at 703-960-3000 or visit browneacademy.org.