City of Alexandria
Judy Lowe Park
Del Ray residents have one less park to enjoy in the neighborhood.
The Secret Service, protecting Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) and his Del Ray property, have expanded the perimeter around Vance's Del Ray home, which includes Judy Lowe Park.
Vance is largely on the campaign trail with former President Donald Trump, who is running for re-election. (Politicians of both political persuasions have had security details in Alexandria before, including for presidential visits, state and federal candidates and more.)
Many Del Ray residents are displeased with the closure of Judy Lowe Park, with one resident even knitting a pro-Vice President Kamala Harris sign around a nearby telephone pole. Residents held a closing ceremony for the park yesterday.
However, other residents appreciate the increased security in the community.
There is no on-street parking permitted on the unit block of E. Del Ray Avenue or the east side of the 2200 block of Commonwealth Ave.
The park was named for Judith Lowe, often called the "First Lady of Del Ray," who championed community involvement and advocated for the park eventually named after her. She passed away in 2011.