The City of Alexandria has released estimated dates for leaf collection in 5 zones in Alexandria, a change from 4 zones last year.
Residents can rake their leaf out to the curb for vacuum collection, put leaves in large paper leaf bags for curbside collection or compost leaves and yard waste at their home.
Collection starts Nov. 4, depending on weather, and will continue through December.
Collection Start Dates (estimated):
Zone 1: November 20 (1st pass)
Zone 2: November 4 (1st pass)
Zone 3: November 8 (1st pass)
Zone 4: November 14 (1st pass)
Zone 5 Sec A: November 4 (1st pass)
Sec B: November 8 (1st pass)
Sec C: November 14 (1st pass)
Sec D: November 20 (1st pass)
According to the City: "These are the estimated start dates for leaf collection in each zone; crews will not vacuum every street in the zone on the first date, it will take them several days to complete each pass in each zone."
City of Alexandria
More information is available here.
Fairfax County Residential Leaf Collection
In Fairfax County, vacuum leaf collection will also begin Nov. 4. Not all areas of Fairfax County receive this service, so check this map to see if your area is covered. The County also provides an email alert service regarding leaf pick-up and encourages residents to subscribe here. Those who are not in county service areas for leaf collection should consult with their trash and recycling companies for instructions on leaf removal.
Peak fall foliage in much of Northern Virginia will hit just before Halloween, according to local climate experts.
An unusually dry September in Northern Virginia combined with cool nights recently mean local colors should be bright and leaves will be crisp.
Peak foliage should hit between Oct. 25 and Halloween in the Alexandria area.
According to the U.S. Forest Service, “The amount and brilliance of the colors that develop in any particular autumn season are related to weather conditions that occur before and during the time the chlorophyll in the leaves is dwindling. Temperature and moisture are the main influences.”
Over the next couple of weeks, fall color fans hope our sunny days and cool nights continue. “A succession of warm, sunny days and cool, crisp but not freezing nights seems to bring about the most spectacular color displays.”
Free Mulch
For Alexandria residents, leaf and wood mulch are available at 4215 Eisenhower Ave. for self-serve pick up. Hours of the site are: Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. while supplies last.
Fairfax County brings collected leaves and yard debris to a park where it is ground into mulch and distributed to various public sites around the county. Free leaf mulch is available for pickup while supplies last. For information on free mulch locations, click here.