On June 18, Alexandria voters will select from three candidates for mayor in the city's Democratic primary; the winner will go on to the general election in early November.
Voters will also chose their top six candidates from 11 candidates running for city council.
At this time, there are no Republican or Independent candidates for mayor or city council, making it likely (but not certain) that the people who win in the primary in June will also win the November election.
Alexandria has a dual primary, which means that any registered voter from any party may vote in either the Democratic or Republican primary, but they can not vote in both primaries.
More about voter registration and other election information is available here.
Mayoral Candidates
In April, Alexandria Living Magazine spoke with each of the three people running for Mayor, and also asked them each to answer, in writing, a series of questions. Click on the name of each candidate for an introduction to them and their answers to questions about crime, livability, transportation, development and more.
In alphabetical order by last name, the candidates are:
City Council Candidates
There are 11 people running in the primary for city council, for six available seats. Alexandria Living Magazine's questionnaires with these candidates will be available online in late May. Incumbents are marked with an *. The candidates are:
- R. Kirk McPike
- James C. "Jimmy" Lewis Jr.
- Abdel S. Elnoubi
- Sarah R. Bagley
- Canek Aguirre
- Jesse D. O'Connell
- Kevin J. Harris
- John Taylor Chapman
- Jonathan P. Huskey
- Jacinta E. Greene
- Charlotte A. Scherer