Photo courtesy of Virginia Garden Club
Historic Garden Week of Virginia
Tickets are on sale now for Historic Garden Week
This is your chance to make plans to tour beautiful homes and gardens this spring when everything is blooming in Alexandria and beyond!
Hosted by the Garden Club of Alexandria and Hunting Creek Garden Club, Alexandria’s Historic Garden Week tour will take place Saturday April 26, 2025 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The 2025 Historic Garden Week Guidebook cover has been released (see below) and features beautiful Crab Point, originally known as Francis Point, a property which is part of the Historic Garden Week Northern Neck tour in 2025. The Guidebook includes information on all 29 Historic Garden Week tours from April 26-May 3, and will be available at no cost at hundreds of outlets across Virginia in mid-February.
If you prefer, you can pre-order and purchase a Guidebook at vagardenweek.org The photo was taken byDonna Moulton of the Garden Club of Fairfax.
The easy tour of Alexandria will include private homes and secluded gardens located along tree-lined streets. In the past, the tour ticket has included admission to two Garden Club of Virginia restoration projects within a short driving distance of the tour area – the Gardens at George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens as well as Green Spring Garden.
Stay tuned for more information coming soon.
Advance tickets are $55 and day-of tickets will be $60 per person.