There's a new indoor pool in Alexandria, for the first time in years.
The new Minnie Howard School features a competition-standard pool and smaller accessible training pool inside. The pool is now open to the public at 3795 W. Braddock Rd.
Lap swimming is available after school hours Mondays through Thursdays (4-8:45 p.m.) and Saturdays and Sundays from 7 a.m.-6:45 p.m. The pool is only available for special events on Fridays. The training pool is open now through Nov. 10 from Saturdays and Sundays.
To find the pool, turn down the driveway at the Athletic Center & Fields sign, walk up the fenced asphalt, turn right again and enter through door #8 (Labeled as the Athletic Center).
There are admission fees for the pool as follows, but season passes, monthly passes and financial aid are available.
- Child (0-4) $0 Resident / Non-resident $2
- Youth (5-17) $6 Resident / Non-resident $7
- Adult (18+) $9 Resident / Non-resident $12
- Senior (60+) $7.20 Resident / Non-resident $12
- Adult Chaperone with Youth (not participating) $1 Resident / Non-resident $4