Wicked Comedy Presents...
Canal Center Plaza 44 Canal Center Plaza, Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Wicked Comedy Presents Dewayne White and the DMVs finest comedians
Wicked Comedy Entertainment is partnering with Canal Center Plaza to bring you some of the funniest comics in the DMV (DC/MD/VA) for a night of FREE Comedy entertainment.
Wicked Comedy Entertainment LLC is 100% owned and operated by a military veteran. Vinny Lombardi is from Massachusetts where everything is WICKED. Vinny, an Air Force veteran, began his comedy career through the non-profit organization Armed Services Arts Partnership, ASAPASAP.org. Vinny is well connected in the DC area comedy scene and veteran community. Wicked Comedy entertainment has one goal, to make people laugh WICKED hard, have a WICKED time, and showcase WICKED awesome talent at his events! Now get to a Wicked Comedy show or you’ll be WICKED pissed!
Headliner Dewayne White is a DC-based standup comedian and a combat-wounded Army veteran who served in the Army for 23 years. His humor is drawn from his unique take on his military experience, his life as a husband and father, and the general craziness of life. He has worked alongside amazing comedians like Josh Blue, Sal Vulcano, Mark Normand, Tony Woods, and many others.
Featuring Doug Bennett, Demi Chang, Kacie Hackett, and Host Vinny Lombardi.
Don't miss out your chance to see an awesome line-up of comics that will leave you wanting more. This is a FREE show, so RSVP now to save your seat at an event that surely will sell-out.