Thanksgiving from 1621 to the Present
Lee-Fendall House 614 Oronoco Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Today we think of Thanksgiving as unchanging in its traditions, a fixture of our culture, but the holiday has actually undergone numerous changes since 1621. This lecture and tasting program explores the political, social, economic, and cultural traditions that have made Thanksgiving the truly American holiday that it is. Attendees will learn how Thanksgiving has transformed itself over time from the celebration of Harvest Home as practiced by the Plimoth Plantation settlers in 1621 to the modern family holiday we know today, and discover how Thanksgiving has been influenced by prominent figures such as George Washington, women’s magazine editor Sarah Josepha Hale, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. And not only have the reasons we celebrate Thanksgiving changed over time, but so has the food! The presentation will be followed by samples of Thanksgiving food from four centuries to enjoy, prepared by food historian Joyce White.
Please Note: Joyce White is certified in food handling by ServSafe (via the National Restaurant Association) and is insured through the Food Liability Insurance Program (FLIP). All prepared food served in A Taste of History programs is cooked and prepared by Joyce in accordance with food handling safety standards but cooked in a home kitchen, not a commercial kitchen. Foods are prepared where potential allergens, such wheat, gluten, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, and many other food products, are processed.