Tell It Like It Was! MV Genealogical Society's Annual Conference
Hollin Hall 1909 Windmill Lane, Alexandria, Virginia
Mount Vernon Genealogical Society
Putting off writing your memoir because you don’t know where to begin? Or, have you unearthed fascinating stories about your ancestors you want to share?
The Mount Vernon Genealogical Society offers guidance on where to begin telling your story and the stories of your families at its Annual Conference, Saturday, October 23, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. via Zoom.
Journalist and Memoir Advisor Christina Lyons will keynote the conference, pulling from a 34-year journalist career as well as extensive training in personal reflection techniques, autobiography writing, and genealogy.
Following Lyons will be a series of presentations by professional genealogists and writers that offer pointers for writing, organizing your research, using photos to bring characters to life, and sharing your work through publishing.
The conference is open to members as well as nonmembers. The registration fee is $40. Find out more and register online at