Secrets of D-Day
Join the Office of Historic Alexandria at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 3 for part one of the city’s annual D-Day commemoration. Former U.S. Army Historian Dr. Kim Bernard Holien presents Secrets of D-Day and will discuss events, known and unknown, in a 'Rest of the Story' presentation about the secrets that made the Allies victorious on the 'day of days.'
Dr. Kim Bernard Holien was a professional historian with the U.S. Army for 34 years, receiving commendations from the late John Marsh, Secretary of the Army, and President Ronald Reagan. In 2019, he was a panelist at the Alexandria-Caen Sister City Committee commemorative program, "D-Day at 75: Looking Back and Looking Forward” at the Alexandria History Museum at The Lyceum. He is the recipient of the 2008 Joseph L. Harsh History Award from the Northern Virginia Association of Historians and the co-recipient of the 2016 T. Michael Miller Alexandria History Award from the Alexandria Historical Society. His father served as an Army medical officer during the Second World War and took care of many D-Day wounded on their return to England, later serving on President Dwight Eisenhower’s Medical Staff.